Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Trying to figure out the system at 4 years old!

One of Hunter's responsibilities is to feed Indy twice a day. I'm not a huge enforcer of this but if I ask him to do it, he'll feed her. He has told me that he likes to only feed her in the morning and not at night, so I try to have him do the morning one just so we don't have any struggles.

Yesterday morning I asked him to feed Indy and I happened to peer in her bowl after he put it down. There was a lot of food in there!

Me: Hunter, how many scoops did you put in Indy's bowl?

Hunter: 4

Me: How many are you supposed to put in?

Hunter: 2

Me: Well why did you put 4 in there? That's too much for her right now.

Hunter: I didn't want to have to feed her tonight so I put enough to last all day.

Such a little smarty pants!! We got home around dinner time and he checked on Indy's food. He told me see, there's still food in there so I don't need to feed her again!
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1 comment:

Alix said...

That is too funny, what a very smart little guy you have! By the way, love the new background!