The setting: I'm in the shower and the boys are watching TV/playing out in the family room.
Jacob: MOM! How sodifdskhkjreui?
Me: WHAT? I can't hear you!
Jacob: MOM! How lskjfaslkjghio (and then something that sounded like clothes)?
Me: Jacob! I CANNOT hear you! Can this wait until I'm out of the shower??
*This goes on back and forth a few more times with me even suggesting he jump the gate to come talk to me. I figure it's got to be important so I turn the water off to be able to hear him.
Me (freezing in the shower): Ok Jacob what do you need?
Jacob: How do you spell the word close?
Me (OMG are you serious?!): *sigh* Umm, like the clothes you wear or when you close a door?
Jacob: When you like slam a door.
Me: Ok, "c"
Jacob: Oh I had a k!
Me: "l"
Jacob: Upper or lower case?
Me: All lower case dude.
Jacob: So like a straight line down or a line down and across?
Me (still freezing in the shower): straight line down.
*continue this conversation for the rest of the spelling of the word. I'm so glad that this couldn't have waited until I was out of the shower. And I never saw what he wrote down so I have NO clue why he needed to know how to spell that word.
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