Monday, March 26, 2007

Jacob is 20 months!

Wow it is crazy how time has flown! Jacob is almost 2 and continues to make us laugh everyday. I think he weighs around 25lbs. and I have no idea how tall he is (a project for tomorrow!). He has all but 4 teeth and those seem to be slow going...lots of drool. Here are some things that Jacob can do, say, etc. :)

Say: These are the ones that most people would understand
i i (think short i sound) for Indy
ter ter for Hunter
bar for car
nite nite

Now for things that I can understand...
There it is! (when he finds his bubba)
bad dog (indy gets in trouble a lot)

He loves to "go" potty like a big boy. If someone is going to the bathroom Jacob is right there pulling at his clothes and pointing to his diaper. He will sit there and push his penis down but nothing ever comes out. He loves to do the whole routine.

Jacob is a big fan of the trains, cars, balls, and playing with Hunter. They have a great time playing outside in the dirt or in the gator. He takes Hunter's bossing around pretty well. When he's outside he likes to swing and go down the slide. Jacob loves to draw with anything he can get his hands on...we've had a couple of close calls with Sharpies and markers! Books are another favorite and right now we read a lot of Goodnight Gorilla and Goodnight Moon. Shoes are another big hit with Jacob...he needs shoes on pretty much first thing in the morning and he'll change them throughout the day.

Here are some pics from this month...will try and get a good one of him smiling tomorrow to add.

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