Friday, February 20, 2009

Rainy Day Fun

We have so few rainy days here so we try and take advantage and play in the rain when they come along. This was towards the beginning of the month so it was quite chilly but the boys didn't seem to mind at all.

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A genius I tell ya

*ETA: So my good friend, Mignon, pointed out that I spelled genius wrong. Gotta love her! lol It's obvious that the boy gets my smarts.*

For the past few weeks, the boys have been learning sight words at preschool. It's all starting to click with Hunter! He's asked for the words he knows to be put on the mirror like at school and he's starting to pick out the words he knows in books.

Tonight we were reading Put Me in the Zoo and Hunter could read so many pages. I was so proud of him! He is on his way to becoming a great reader, I can't wait!
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