Friday, February 1, 2008

NFL Experience

Today we went to the NFL Experience so the boys could see Ryan and have some football fun. I sadly didn't have my camera (didn't even occur to me to bring it when we left this morning) but the boys had a lot of fun. First thing we did was ride the largest ferris wheel I've ever seen. I didn't think Jacob would be a fan, but surprisingly he did very well. They both liked being able to see everything from way up high.

After that we headed to the kids area where they bounced, threw, and ran. At each "station" they got little cards with gold football coins in perfect for the boys. They love money and tokens so they will go well with their play at home.

As Hunter said tonight at bedtime:
I have 5 footballs and Jacob has 4. 5 is bigger than 4, so I have more. (with a little smile on his face)

Hunter and Jacob were both awesome football throwers (if that is a word!) and could have a pro career ahead of them!

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